All your teef are belong to us! |
Ironically the first unit I've finished (apart from eyes, bloodstains and vegetation that will have to wait until the gloss) is one of the last additions to my collection. I have about eighty painted but unbased boyz and some other odd models. But as we decided on the basing scheme I didn't want to attend the mob straight away but rather finish a smaller unit as a test at basing.
Celebration soundtrack:
Da Gild
As I've mentioned in the previous post I'm working on an all-klan Ork army. Freebooters being a theme on its own I choose black-and-yellow for my Flash Gitz.Da Gild (derived from Guild and Gold) — is a bunch of especially bad Bad Moons smugglers, teef-lenders and the like; arrogant bastards mocking other boyz with bad attitude, fancy gubbinz & gunz and being the first to show off here.
The kit is awesome with lots of small details character and assembly options. I decided to make them straight from the box without any conversions just avoiding outright 'piraty' bits. Assembling the gunz is a game in a game) Although Ork teknology is somewhat un-scientific I didn't want to end up with rockets being shot through energy or machine-gun muzzles so tried to make them look probable. Also if I hadn't my Nobz glued I'd prefer to swap the chest pieces as their better detailing is totally hidden behind the gunz and are a pain to paint preassembled.Painting
Being Bad Moons these guys demanded a colourful and flash paint scheme, no rust — grots take care of the cleaning I presume. With hazard stripes and clothing bearing enough yellow I decided to make the accents (badges, armour and cybork parts) in gold — that's actually where Da Gild came from.
Photos for this post were made by a beautiful and creative tandem: Denis Volkov & Maria Ustinovich. Guys have nothing to do with miniatures but do create their own pieces of art that are definitely worth to check out.
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